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집에서 보내는 휴가 본문
1. Identify the people you enjoy seeing and spending time with while on vacation.
(휴가 때 만나서 함께 시간을 보내는 사람들을 묘사해주세요.)
1. 주말은 보통 여자친구와 함께 보낸다.
2. 여자친구가 평일엔 일을 하는데, 일 끝나고 보러 올 때도 있다.
3. 힘들 텐데 고맙게 생각한다.
A. I don't have a job yet, so vacation means weekends to me.
I usually spend my vacation with my girlfriend.
She comes to my home, or go outside to watch movies at the theater.
She works on weekdays, so we can't meet very often in weekdays.
But, sometimes drive to my home to see me.
I feel suprise when she comes home after work.
I know it's hard, because she wants to take a rest at home after leave work.
So, I always thanks to her.
2. What are some of the activities you enjoy doing with the people you visit or see while on vaction?
(휴가 때 당신이 방문하거나 만나는 사람들과 즐겨 하는 활동들은 무엇인가요?
1. 친구들과 피씨방에 가거나 영화도 본다.
2. 가끔 집에서 영화 보면서 먹을 것도 먹는다.
3. 내가 좋아하는 것을 같이 해주는 친구들이 좋다.
A. Um, As I mentioned earlier, I spend my weekend with my girlfriend.
But sometimes, since I like to play computer games, I meet my friends.
We go to the PC room, I mean, there's so many high-spec computers.
We play computer games like, 'League of Legends', which is most famous game thesedays.
My friends also like to watch movies, so we go to movie theater often.
And somtimes, I invite them my home to watch movies while eating some foods.
Since I don't cook well, we deliver chicken or others.
I really love my friends because they spend time with me doing my favorite things.
3. Specifically discuss the things that you did while on the last vacation that you spent at home. Give me a detailed description of what you did from the beginning to the end of the day, of all the activities you participated in, and all of the people you saw that day.
(최근에 집에서 휴가를 보냈을 때 했던 것들을 자세히 말해보세요. 특정한 날 처음부터 끝까지 무엇을 했는지,
어떤 활동에 참여를 했는지, 그날 누구를 만났는지 등을 구체적으로 얘기해 보세요.)
1. 여자친구와 주말을 함께 보냈다.
2. 늦잠 자고 일어나서 점심으로 스시를 먹고, 카페에 갔다.
3. 저녁으로는 고기와 함께 약간의 술을 마셨다.
A. Um, last week, I spend whole weekend with my girlfriend.
First, we woke up late, um, I guess it was around 1pm.
We were very hungry, so we deliverd lunch.
The menu was sushi. We both like that, so we finished it for 10 minutes.
While having lunch, we watched animation, 'Chainsaw-man'.
It's quite violent, but we like that kind of animation or movies, so we enjoied it.
After meal, we went out and go to cafe nearby to drink some coffee.
I ate ice americano, and she too.
I love that menu and even in winter, I prefer ice one than hot coffee.
We have some free time, and went to meat restaurant to have dinner.
We had a little drink with meat, so I think it was a nice day with her.
4. While on vacation, would you discuss an unexpected, unusual, or satisfying experience you had.
Explain all of the details of that experience. Discuss what occurred.
Who was involved? Why was this experience so unforgettable?
(휴가 중에 당신이 겪었던 예상치 못한, 이례적인, 아니면 만족했던 경험을 설명해 주시겠어요? 그 경험에 대한 구체적인 내용을 말해주세요. 무슨 일이 벌어졌는지, 누가 연루되었는지, 그리고 이 경험이 왜 인상적이었는지 말해보세요.)
1. 지난 달에 여자친구와 친구 두명과 함께 고스트 파크에 갔다.
2. 친구 한명이 무서운 것을 싫어했는데, 말을 안했다.
3. 결국 곧 펜션에 돌아왔지만 맛있는 것을 먹어서 다들 만족했다.
A. Um,,, Experience about my vacation. Oh, I have a perfect story to tell you.
Last month, I went to ghost park with my girlfirend and two friends.
Since I and my girlfriend love scary things, so we were excited about it.
But, we didn't know one of my friend don't like it, but he didn't tell us anything.
While doing various things in ghost park, his face goes wrong.
To make matters worse, he felt exhuasted because of the terrible-hot-weather.
So, we returned to the pension after a short while.
He apologized to us, but soon everyone was satisfied while eating delicious food with cool air from air conditioner.
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