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공원 본문
1. Do you have a favorite park? Describe this park by telling me what it looks like.
(가장 좋아하는 공원이 있나요? 어떻게 생겼는지 제게 묘사해 보세요.)
1. 요새 공원에 잘 가지 않지만, 어렸을 때 서울에 큰 공원에 갔었다.
2. 운동을 하기 위한 공간이 있었다.
3. 봄엔 꽃이 피고 가을엔 낙엽이 떨어져서, 커플이나 가족들이 많이 왔다.
A. Um, actually I don't go to the park thesedays.
But when I was young, I lived in Seoul, there was a huge park nearby my home.
There was a place to ride a bikes or skateboards, I mean the place to exercise.
And there was a lot of trees and flowers.
The flowers bloom in spring, and leaves fall in autumn.
And also, there's many benches to sit, so many families or couples came to the park and have a nice time.
My family also have a good memories about that park.
That's why I love that park.
2. Discuss some of the things that you do when going to the park.
What does a typical visit to the park consist of?
(당신이 공원에 갈 때 하는 것들을 몇 가지 설명해 보세요.
일반적인 공원방문은 어떤 활동들로 이루어지나요?)
1. 지금은 여름이라 잘 가진 않지만, 여름이 아닐 땐 가서 산책을 한다.
2. 가족이나 친구와 가서 여러 얘기를 하며 2~30분동안 걷는데, 건강해지는 기분이다.
3. 벤치에 앉아서 버스킹을 듣기도 하는데, 공원에서의 최고의 경험이다.
A. I don't go to the park thesedays.
Because, it's summer now.
So, It's hard to me to walk around the park.
But not in summer, I go to the park to walk with my family or friends.
We talk about study, getting a job, or their company issues.
Walk around the park for 20 or 30 minutes refresh me and makes me feel getting healthy.
Or sometimes, there's a busking and I love to listen to music while sitting in the bench.
Good weather and nice concert is the best experience in the park.
3. Describe your experience the last time you went to the park.
In detail, explain which park you went to, what you did while there, and who went there with you.
What went on during your visit?
(최근에 공원에 갔었던 경험을 설명해 주세요. 어느 공원을 갔었고, 그곳에 있는 동안 무엇을
했으며, 누구와 함께 갔는지 구체적으로 말해 보세요. 공원에 있는 동안 어떤 일들이 있었나요?)
1. 저번주에 여자친구와 공원에 갔다.
2. 평균 여름 기온만큼 덥진 않아서 공원을 거닐며 평일에 있었던 얘기를 했다.
3. 치킨과 맥주를 먹으며 버스킹을 구경했는데, 헤드폰으로 음악을 듣는거랑 차원이 달랐다.
A. Actually, I went to the park last weekend with my girlfriend.
It was not too hot than average summer weather.
So, we walk around the park talking about the things happended in weekdays.
Suddenly, we got hungry, and we delivered chicken.
We ate chicken with cold beers.
While eating chicken, there was a busking nearby.
Cold beers, delicious chicken, nice busking.
Those three things makes me feel happy.
The busking was very wonderful than listening to music with my headphones.
So, I think I had a nice day.