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RP 11~13 본문
1. In person (개인적으로)
2. Over the phone (전화상으로)
3. Answering machine (자동응답기)
- 모든 질문에 대한 답변은 YES로 가정
- 답변은 리액션→상대방의 반응→감정으로 마무리
- 마지막 질문은 까먹었다가 생각난 것 처럼 연출
Hi. I want to buy a new phone like, um, an iPhone 16 // 당신의 상황을 설명
You know but, um... I don't have much money so I want to ask... how much is the iPhone 16? // 질문 1
Oh, that cheap?! Only $1,000? That's great! // 답변 1 보여주기
But, uh, I really want to buy pink iPhone 16.
So do you have a pink one? // 질문 2
=> Does it come in pink? (핑크색 있나요?)
Oh nice! You have pink one! That's great. // 답변 2 보여주기
Oh, I almost forgot!
But, you know, uh, I like listen to music so I really need a new, um, iPhone with speakers.
So, does the iPhone 16 come with nice speakers? // 질문 3
Oh wow! It has the really good speakers! That's awesome! // 답변 3 보여주기
Then I will go tomorrow for buy my phone. Bye.
문제에 대한 간단한 설명 (I dont't know ~)
→ 첫 번째 질문 (이렇게 하면 어떨까?)
→ 상대 답변 보여주기
→ 두 번째 질문 (그렇다면 이건?)
→ 상대 답변 보여주기
- 답변 1 NO / 답변 2 YES
- 답변은 리액션→상대방의 반응→감정으로 마무리
- 질문은 Could you / Would it be possible / Would you be able to 로 시작
- 색깔을 말할땐 'in 색' : in pink / in blue
Hi, um, yesterday I bought an iPhone 16. I mean, an iPhone 16 in pink.
But I got it in blue.
You know, personally, I really don't like blue so could you send me a pink one I originally ordered? // 질문 1
OMG you can't?! Oh it's sold out? That sucks. // 답변 1 보여주기
Well, then could I just give me a refund? // 질문 2
I could? Alright, then I'd like a refund please. Thanks. // 답변 2 보여주기
Oh wait! How can I get the refund? // 질문 3
Oh ok, then i'll head over there next week. Thanks. // 답변 3 보여주기
MP로 시작 (어떤 문제가 있었는지, 내가 어떻게 느꼈는지, 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지)
→ 설명 : 직접화법 / 간접화법 사용
→ 결론 : 문제 해결 방법 보여주기
- RP 12와 비슷한 나의 경험 말하기
- Past Experience + Problem/Solution
Q. That's the end of the situation.
Have you ever bought a piece of technology which was not what you wanted or different from what you had expected?
Was the feature not what you had in mind or was it simply a faulty product?
Tell me about a time when you bought some new technology.
(전자제품을 샀는데 맘에 들지 않은 경우)
A. Well, um, you know what? I really like clean my room.
So, I bought um, you know, um, Dyson vacuum cleaner.
I think Dyson is one of the most popular vacuum cleaners in the world. So I bought it.
And, uh, first time I really like it, because, um, I can easily clean my room.
But, you know, the Dyson vacuum cleaner was too heavy. // 문제
So, I couldn't use it.
So, it was too bad because, I'm very clean girl. // 내가 어떻게 느꼈는지
But, um, with Dyson, I couldn't clean my room, my bed or something like that.
So, after that, I bought Samsung vacuum cleaner. // 결론
You know, Samsung vacuum cleaner is much better.
So, I recommend you Ava, if you want to buy new vacuum cleaner, you can buy Samsung.
Samsung is the best