
음악 감상 본문


음악 감상

히명 2024. 9. 4. 17:35

1. Explain the types of music you enjoy listening to.
Discuss some of your favorite bands, composers or musicians.
(즐겨 듣는 음악 종류에 대해 설명하세요. 좋아하는 밴드, 작곡가 혹은 음악가를 말해보세요.)
1. 요새 JPOP을 듣는다.
2. 가장 좋아하는 가수는 'Mrs. Green Apple', Mrs가 들어가지만 남자다.
3. 구직 중에 '나라는 것'을 듣고 감동 받았고, 그 가수를 좋아하게 되었다.
A. Thesedays, I usually listen JPOP.
I love JPOP's lyrics and melody.
Um, my favorite singer is 'Mrs. Green Apple'
The singer name is 'Mrs. Green Apple', but he's a man.
I knew this singer by chance when I heard 'Boku no koto', which means "The thing called me".
I heard that song when I was exhausted from job hunting.
And that song felt comforting me.
So I became interested and I started liking that singer.

2. Explain where and when you tend to listen to music.
Do you go to concerts or do you enjoy listening to music on the radio? Explain how you enjoy music.
보통은 언제 어디서 음악을 듣는지 설명하세요. 콘서트에 가나요, 아니면 라디오로 음악 듣는 것
을 좋아하나요? 음악을 어떤 방법으로 즐기는지 설명하세요.
1. 콘서트에 가본 적이 없다.
2. 밖에서는 가벼워서 버즈를 쓴다.
3. 헤드폰이 음질이 좋고 착용감이 좋아서 헤드폰을 더 좋아한다.
A. Actually, I didn't go to the concert at all.
I always listen to the music with my phone, using either headphones or galaxy buds.
I use headphones at home, and use buds at outside.
Because buds are very light, so it's comfortable to use outside.
But, the sound quality is not as good as headphones, and comfort is also not good, so I prefer using headphones.
Headphones connected by it's special connector makes me enjoy music with very good sound.

3.  Explain when you initially gained an interest in music.
What types of music did you initially enjoy? Trace and discuss your musical interest from childhood until now.
(음악에 처음으로 관심을 갖게 된 시기가 언제인지 설명하세요. 처음에는 어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아했나요?
어릴 적부터 지금까지 음악에 대한 당신의 관심이 어떻게 변했는지 말해보세요.)
1. 어렸을 때 아버지를 통해 올드 팝을 많이 들었다.
2. 근데 내 취향이 아니었고, 중학교때부터 KPOP을 들었다.
3. 요새는 JPOP을 듣는데, 일본어 실력이 느는 기분이다.
A. When I was young, my father liked pops, I mean old pops.
So, I listened pops very often, but that was not my taste.
In middle school days, I always listened KPOP.
I watched TV music program every week, and I like the group name 'Bigbang'.
Their songs and dances were nice, so it was enough to attract me.
And after 20 years old, I became interested in JPOP.
So, thesedays, I mostly listen JPOP music.
I think, my Japanese skills getting higher while listening JPOP music.

'challenge > OPIc(完)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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